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About us
A sub brand “CanaBridge” is established by Canare. Providing simple and affordable solutions of video signals, bridging long lasting Canare users between new generation of SNS video creators. CanaBridge video converters will give you smart move on HDMI, 3G-SDI, and 12G-SDI interconnects. Canare engineers its development and quality verification. All CanaBridge products are equipped with light weight and sleek aluminum chassis.
Four development policies
Increasingly, Canabridge brand is making public commitments to sustainability that work toward a more sustainable future.
Canabridge has been looking at cutting-edge technologies, appropriate materials, and standardized processes.
Engineers puts enough experience and their whole enthusiasm into their innovative products and unique solutions.
Providing quality assured products are our mission. CanaBridge products guarantees one-year hustle free exchange program.
CanaBridge Video

Company Outline

Company Name

Canare Electric Co., Ltd.


February 2nd 1974 (commenced operation: 1970)


JPY 1.04 billion yen.

Activities Capital

Production and distribution of cable, assembly, connector, passive and active equipments and incidental instrument for Broadcast and Communication industry.


Masahiro Nakajima


Consolidated Employees; 267 people




1970 (Sep.)

Founded in Nagoya, Japan.

1974 (Feb.)

Incorporated as Canare Electric Co., Ltd.

1974 (Dec.)

Released Multichannel Audio Snake Cable.

1981 (Jun.)

Released Fixed Use Microphone Cable.

1983 (Feb.)

Established Sales Company in California, USA.

1983 (Nov.)

Canare Harness Co., Ltd. in Nagoya, Japan established.

1987 (Feb.)

Released True 75Ω BNC connector.

1989 (Jun.)

Released True 75Ω Dual Video Jack.

1993 (Mar.)

Launched Nano-Tech Laboratory in Nagoya, Japan.


Canare Corporation of Korea established.


Canare Japan certified ISO 9001.


Canare Corporation of Taiwan established.


Started selling EO/OE Converters, starting with the broadcast market.

2003 (May.)

Canare Corporation of Shanghai established.

2003 (Nov.)

Started selling HFO Camera Cables, starting with the broadcast market.

2004 (Feb.)

Canare Corporation of Tianjin established.

2004 (May.)

Obtained ISO14001 certification to improve customer satisfaction and trust.

2008 (May.)

Canare Corporation of Singapore established.

2011 (Mar.)

Canare System Works Co., Ltd. established in Tokyo Japan.

2012 (May.)

Canare Tech Corporation established in Yokohama Japan.

2015 (Aug.)

Canare Electric India Private Ltd. established.

2016 (Nov.)

Canare Europe GmbH established in Germany.

2017 (May.)

Canare Middle East FZCO established in Dubai, UAE.

2020 (Sep.)

Celebrate 50th Anniversary.

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